Seal Support System

Seal Support System

Thermosyphon Pot

Thermosyphon Pot

Production Description

Nozzle Description
Pg Connection
Vent/N2 Purging
For level switch
Hp.Conn./Check Valve
Seal return line
Seal Supply line
Cooling in
Cooling Out

  • Thermosyphon Pot is used in double mechanical seals so as to supply external barrier liquid which eliminates the leakage of hazardous process liquid into atmosphere.
  •  Due to convection current, thermosyphon pots used in double seals are used to take away the heat generated across the faces.
  • Thermosyphon Pots used in double seals with unpressurised buffer liquid acts as a quenching device which dissolve the solids particles when inner seal liquid leaks into the outer seal chamber

  • Elimination of hazardous process liquid leakage
  • Better lubrication for the outer seals preventing dry-running
  • Process liquids which tends to solidify or icing can mix with buffer liquid in tandem arrangement.
  • Leakage can be compensated using hand pump
  • Acts as a coolant for the outer seals
  • Easily mounted on support and easily accessible for maintenance

  • Equipped with cooling coils with cooling water on coil side which takes away the heat generated by seal faces
  • Works on the principle of convection heat transfer method wherein the hot liquid rises up and cold liquid settles down.
  • Available with vent port to remove any entrapped gases from the system
  • Fitted with hand – pump for the make-up of buffer / barrier liquid leakage
  • Optional feature for pressure switch and level switch for monitoring of seal leakage
  • Available with fill connection & nitrogen pressurizing port
  • Weld-pad level gauge with borosilicate slight glass can be used for visual monitoring of liquid level in thermosyphon pot.
  • Can be mounted easily on stands with the help of mounting bracket welded on thermosyphon pots.
  • With seamless design, thermosyphon pots can be used upto 40 bar pressure and temperature upto 200 Deg.C